Mr. Peter Nyakwara

Mr. Peter Nyakwara

Director of Technical Services

Mr. Peter Nyakwara is the Director Technical Services at the National Council for Population and Development (NCPD), a Semi-Autonomous Government Agency (SAGA) whose mandate is the coordination of Population policies and programmes. He got his MA Population Studies from the UN Regional Institute for Population Studies, University of Ghana in 1993. He has over 25 years’ experience in the population and development sector. He has held various positions in the population sector with about 12 of these years in Leadership and Management positions.

He is responsible for managing and guiding all of the Council’s technical activities and maintaining collaboration and partnerships with Ministries, Development Partners, NGOs and CSOs involved in population programmes.

Prior to becoming the Director Technical Services, Mr. Nyakwara served in North Rift, Western and Coast Regions as a Regional Population Coordinator. In the Headquarters he served as an Assistant Director in all the Technical Divisions before promotion to the position of a Deputy Director in charge of Communication, Advocacy and Public Education Division.

He has expertise in conducting analyzing population data. He is a policy analyst with expertise in population policy formulation, programme coordination, integration of population variable into the development planning process and also research and advocacy.

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