Mandate & Functions

NCPD  Mandate

NCPD is a state corporation charged with the responsibility of coordinating the implementation of population and development activities being carried out by various stakeholders in Kenya. It is the focal point on all matters relating to Population and Development Policies and Programmes in the Country.

The latest legal Notice Number  120 of 29th  October 2004 bestowed NCPD with the following mandates to;

  1. Research and analyze population issues and develop policies relating to population.
  2. Provide leadership and mobilize support for population programmes, including coordination and implementation by different organizations.
  3. Assess the impact of population programmes and make recommendations arising from such assessments.
  4. Identify and advise on population issues that may not be adequately or appropriately dealt with by the government.
  5. Create public awareness on population and development issues in Kenya
  6. Undertake viable advocacy activities aimed at achieving support on certain population concerns

Services Offered by the Council

  1. Conduct Research on population matters
  2. Produce Policy Briefs on Topical Population Issues
  3. Develop population and related policies
  4. Coordinate implementation of the population policy and programmes by various stakeholders.
  5. Carry out Monitoring and Evaluation of the implementation of population programmes.
  6. Develop and disseminate IEC materials/messages through mass media, workshops, seminars, conferences and public exhibitions on population issues in Kenya.
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