Research, Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate

The Directorate is responsible for;

  1. Conducting research on emerging and continuing population issues and policy oriented studies to inform population policy and programmes.
  2. Developing/reviewing the National Research Agenda for Population and Development.
  3. Analyzing, interpreting and documenting demographic trends including fertility, mortality, urbanization
    and migration and their implications on socio economic development.
  4. Providing technical support to Ministries, Departments, Agencies and Counties to develop policies relating to population.
  5. Preparing population data, research briefs, population reports, policy briefs and synopsis to guide decision making for key population issues.
  6. Coordinating capacity building and trainings in collation and analysis of population and related
  7. Monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the National Population Policy and programmes.
  8. Coordinating the documentation, archiving and storage of population best practices.
  9. Overseeing population data collection, analysis and reporting.
  10. Providing a platform for exchange of information, knowledge sharing, best practices and lessons in population and development at national, regional and global levels.
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