What We Do


Population Policy and Programme Implementation

The primary goal is to enhance integration of population issues in development plans at all levels.

Population Research and Analysis

NCPD enhances research capabilities and knowledge in population and development through the following initiatives:
1. Implementation of the National Research Agenda on Population and Development;
2. Undertake research and analysis on population and development; stakeholder capacity on research and analysis;
3. Establishment and operationalization of the Centre of Excellence on Population and Development;
4. Provide technical support to other population and development stakeholders on research;
5. promotion of research partnership;
6. Implementation of the Council’s M&E framework and Coordinate Knowledge management and documentation.

Population Advocacy and Public Education

Through this we raise awareness and advocate for population related issues through coordination of Launches & commemoration of various population related events and implementation of the Advocacy and Public Engagement Strategy.

Institutional Strengthening.

It focuses on enhancing the Council’s institutional capabilities and efficiency. through the following: Operationalization of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system; coordination and reporting of the implementation of the Plan through development of Board’s Performance Contracts, Annual work plans, Quarterly reports and Annual reports; promote staff welfare and work place environment safety; coordinate gender mainstreaming; promote capacity building of staff both locally and internationally; implementation of the Human Resource Policies; coordinate attraction, motivation and retention of staff; promotion of the Council’s corporate image; admisntration and office management; Information Communication and Technology mainstreaming in the Council’s functions; coordinate all budgeting and financial services; coordinate records management; coordinate the Council’s enterprise risk management; Coordinate the Council’s implementation of the existing Quality management standards ;coordinate supplies and disposal management and coordinate Council’s compliance with constitutional provisions of article 10 on the national values and principles of governance and article 232 on Public Service Values and Principles and coordinate Councils compliance and implementation of Government directives.

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