Functions of Board

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors has delegated authority for the operations and administration of the Board to the Director General. The Board of Directors has no operational involvement in the conduct of organization’s business activities and delivery of services. Its role is confined to setting and reviewing policy. The functions of the Board of Directors are to:

  1. Provide effective leadership and collaborate with the Executive management team
  2. Monitor the performance of the DG against agreed performance indicators.
  3. Review and agree the business (action) plans and annual budget proposed by the Executive management team.
  4. Monitor the achievement of the strategic and business plans and annual budget outcomes.
  5. Establish such committees, policies and procedures as will facilitate the more effective discharge of the Board’s roles and responsibilities.
  6. Ensure, through the Board committees and others as appropriate, compliance obligations and functions are effectively discharged.
  7. Initiate a Board self-evaluation program and follow-up action to deal with issues arising and arrange for directors to attend courses, seminars and participate in development programs as the Board judges appropriate.
  8. Ensure that all significant systems and procedures are in place for the organization to run effectively, efficiently, and meet all legal and contractual requirements.
  9. Ensure that all significant risks are adequately considered and accounted for by the Executive management team.
  10. Ensure that organization has appropriate corporate governance structures in place including standards of ethical behaviour and promoting a culture of corporate and social responsibility.
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