Corporate Services Department

To provide strategic leadership in planning, resource mobilization, financial and human resource management, and administration and ICT services for the realization of the Council’s mandate.


  1. To oversee the development, implementation and review of Human Resource Management, Records Management and Administration strategies, Policies, Procedures and standards.
  2. To coordinate the implementation of Human Resource functions relating to staff recruitment, placement, career progression/staff promotion, performance management, training & development, salary administration and staff separation.
  3. To promote creation of a seamless organization and conducive work environment that harness potential of all employees.
  4. To provide guidance and advice on matters relating to human resource and administration, records, policies and regulations.
  5. To manage staff disciplinary & grievance process and employee relations.


  1. To analyzes and reports on financial performance.
  2. To tracks the Council’s budget and manages financial reporting of the Council which includes quarterly reports and donor/partners financial reports.
  3. To manages and oversees compliance with statutory requirements.
  4. To manages relationships with external auditors.
  5. To manages and overseeing the council’s banking arrangements


  1. To coordinates Council’s procurement and asset disposal activities in line with Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Act and the Regulations requirements.
  2. To coordinates the preparation and implementation of Council’s procurement and asset disposal plans.
  3. To guide market surveys to inform the placing of orders or adjudication by the relevant awarding authority.
  4. To oversee the preparation of abstracts of offers, requisitions of scope of work and specifications of goods and services.
  5. To manage contracts issued for suppliers’ adherence to contract terms and regulations.


  1. To spearhead formulation and review of ICT policies, strategies, procedures, guidelines and adherence to standards.
  2. To oversee administration, development, maintenance and optimization of ICT Network Infrastructure, Systems and Applications.
  3. To coordinate deployment of ICT disaster recovery systems and processes.
  4. To provide technical advice to the Council on ICT infrastructure, systems and related applications.
  5. To advice on ICT security solutions.


  1. To coordinate corporate communication activities during Council’s events and conferences.
  2. To drive promotion of the NCPD brand to enhance visibility and image.
  3. To spearhead and maintains appropriate relations and protocols with both internal and external publics.
  4. To coordinate perception surveys, media research & analysis, PR research, gather communication intelligence and carry out audience analysis.
  5. To coordinate generation of content to the website and other social media platforms.


  1. To oversee development, implementation and review of internal audit policies, standards, guidelines, procedures and programmes in line with relevant regulations.
  2. To provide technical advice to the management on application and adequacy of accounting, financial and operational controls in the Council.
  3. To spearhead implementation of the Council`s Enterprise Risk Management Framework.
  4. To guide implementation and review of audit management and control systems.
  5. To advice on corporate governance issues in the Council.


  1. To guide formulation, implementation and review records management policies, standard, strategies, guidelines and procedures and programme.
  2. To provide technical advice on filing classification schemes, records retention and disposal schedules.
  3. To guide the Council on security of records and appropriate storage.
  4. To coordinate automation and digitization of the Council’s records.
  5. To advise the users of records on available information for planning and decision making purposes.


  • To spearhead the development, implementation and review of administrative policies, strategies, standards and procedures.
  • To coordinate transport and oversees implementation of the transport policy at the Council.
  • To coordinate implementation of safety and security policies, regulations and standards within the Council premises.
  • To guide the review and updating of the Council’s asset register in line with existing legislation.
  • To advise on the usage, location and movement of the Council’s


  1. To coordinate development, implementation and review of the Council’s Strategic Plan aligned to Vision 2030 and the respective Medium Term Plans.
  2. To Guide the development, implementation and reporting of the Council’s Annual Work Plan and Performance Contract.
  3. To Guide the development of the Council’s budget and preparation of budget reports.
  4. To Guide the implementation of Quality Management Systems, Information Security Management System and other standards in the Council.
  5. To Coordinate development, implementation and review of resource mobilization framework and partnerships policies.
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