About Us

About Us

The concept of linking population matters to economic development is not new in Kenya, first it was highlighted in Sessional Paper No. 10 of 1965 on African Socialism and its application to economic planning in Kenya. The Paper noted a link between the country’s population growth rate and its potential for socio-economic development. Consequently, the government formulated a population policy which was adopted in 1967 that culminated to the formation of the National Family Planning Action Programme under the Ministry of Health. The Programme laid great emphasis on the reduction of family size and spacing of children, which was expected to contribute to reduction of the population growth rate.

The National Council for Population and Development (NCPD) was established in 1982, as a department in the Office of the Vice President and Ministry of Home Affairs, to advise on matters pertaining to population and development. The role and mandate of NCPD was contained in Sessional paper No.4 of 1984 on Population Policy Guidelines. This policy paper was later revised and formed the backbone of Sessional Paper No. 1 of 2000 on National Population Policy for Sustainable Development (NPPSD).

NCPD gained the status of a Semi-Autonomous Government Agency (SAGA) in 2004 and the name changed to NCAPD through a Legal Notice No. 120 contained in the Kenya Gazette supplement No. 68. In 2012, NCAPD reverted back to its original name, NCPD, through Legal Notice No. 172 of 2011.

Who we are

The National Council for Population and Development (NCPD) is a Semi-Autonomous Government Agency (SAGA) in The National Treasury and Economic Planning, charged with the responsibility of promoting and coordinating population and development programmes in Kenya.

NCPD gained the status of a Semi-Autonomous Government Agency (SAGA) in 2004 and the name changed to NCAPD through a Legal Notice No. 120 contained in the Kenya Gazette supplement No. 68. In 2012, NCAPD reverted back to its original name, NCPD, through Legal Notice No. 172 of 2011.

The mandate of NCPD as stipulated by the Legal Notice No. 120 of, 2004, is to promote and coordinate population and development programmes in Kenya. Further, the Legal Notice recognizes NCPD as the focal agency for providing leadership and guidance in population and development issues in the Country. Emanating from the mandate, the functions of NCPD are to:

  1. Analyze population issues and develop policies relating to population;
  2. Provide leadership and mobilize support for population programmes, including coordinating population programmes implemented by different organizations;
  3. Assess the impact of population programmes and make recommendations arising from such assessments;
  4. Assist other organizations in dealing with population issues;
  5. Identify and advise on population issues that may not be adequately or appropriately dealt with by the Government; and
  6. Advocate for political and other support to address population issues.
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