NCPD X Space on Issues affecting the Youths in Kenya, and How to Harness their potential

NCPD X Space on Issues affecting the Youths in Kenya, and How to Harness their potential

Did you know that Kenya is a youthful population with 3 out of 4 people aged below 35?

The National Council for Population and Development engaged the public through X Space to discuss issues affecting the youth – their health, wellbeing, livelihood and challenges. Specifically, looking at what has been done and what still needs to be done as we strive to harness the potential of our youthful population in line with our transformative agenda.

How does NCPD promote quality population?

By advising the government on population issues that need attention and those that are emerging

By development of population policies and implementation of the population programme

By advocating for policy direction and action, e.g. reviving the FP programme after fertility stall at 4.7 births and unmet need at 25% between 1997 and 2008

By advocating for increased domestic financing for the FP programme

By advising government on population issues that need attention and those that are emerging

By advocating for youth issues, e.g. What’s new and cool for the youth to promote wellbeing of young people and life skills, NCPD Played a key role by leading the development of a youth policy

Some of the issues affecting the Youths in Kenya include Drugs and Substance Abuse, Youth unemployment in Kenya is as high as 35% (4.5 million young men and women), compared to the overall national unemployment rate of 10%.

For more information on the discussion that lasted for more than 60 minutes please click on the link below:

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