Community Dialogue on Elimination of The Triple Threat (New HIV infections, Adolescent Pregnancies & Sexual & Gender Based Violence) in Machakos County

Community Dialogue on Elimination of The Triple Threat (New HIV infections, Adolescent Pregnancies & Sexual & Gender Based Violence) in Machakos County

The community dialogue session was held on Tuesday 30th May 2023 at the Machakos Teachers Training college in Kathiani sub county. The meeting was graced by Dr. Daniel Yumbya the CECM for health, who was the guest speaker.

The CECM for health Dr Daniel Yumbya providing a pack of sanitary towels to a teen mother during the event

A number of county government departments including health, youths, gender and social welfare and state agencies including NCPD & NSDCC, were represented.

 Ms Jane Wanjaria from NCPD sensitizing the participants on the effect of adolescent pregnancies on the county’s demographic dividend

Participants of the dialogue session included community gate keepers such as Chiefs, Village elders, Nyumba kumi leaders , religious leaders. Community gate keepers play a vital role of ensuring dissemination of messages as well as reporting of incidence of GBV to the concerned parties.

 Participants during the community dialogue session

The community health volunteers (CHVs) from the seven sub counties of Machakos county were also invited. At the end of the session it was agreed that government will work with other stake holders to roll out the triple threat campaign to the sub county

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