WE ARE 40!

WE ARE 40!

40 Years of Population Policy Management.

The NCPD 40th Year Anniversary was commemorated on 27th January, 2022 at Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi. The Objectives of the Anniversary was to reflect on the Milestones, Challenges and Lessons learnt on Population Policy Management and to share the next steps in population programming. The Chief Guest was Principal Secretary, Economic Planning who was represented by Mr. James Maina, Director Macro Economic Planning Directorate. The Commemoration was attended by Representatives of Government Ministries, Departments, Counties and Agencies, Development Partners, Civil Society Organizations and NCPD Former Director Generals and Staff. It was noted that remarkable milestones have been achieved in the population programme in the adoption of a small family size norm, availability of data and research findings for population management and improved wellbeing of Kenyans among others.

The Former meets the Present: Former DG NCPD Prof. Dr. Richard O. Muga (L), Former Director Karugu Ngatia and  current DG Dr. Mohamed A. Sheikh.

Former NCPD DG Amb. Simon B. A. Bullut with the DG NCPD, Dr. Mohamed A. Sheikh at NCPD@40 celebrations.

Official launch of the NCPD @ 40 Years Logo and the 40th Anniversary Kenpop Special Edition during the commemoration  


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