PS Economic Planning Visits NCPD

PS Economic Planning Visits NCPD

The newly appointed PS for State Department for Economic Planning Mr. James Muhati paid a courtesy call on the National Council for Population and Development on 9th December 2022 on a familiarization tour.  He was accompanied by the EPS Madam Katherine Muoki and other top ministry officials.  He was received by the Director General Dr. Mohamed Sheikh and the Council’s Senior Management Team.

Mr James Macharia of ICT explaining to the PS State Department for Economic Planning, Mr. James Muhati on the role of ICT in support of the Population Programme. Looking on is NCPD DG Dr. Mohamed Sheikh, Economic Planning Secretary, Ms Katherine Muoki  and Director of Administration State Department for Economic Planning Mr. Makori.

The PS was briefed on the mandate of the Council, achievements of the Council over the  last 40 years since its establishment in 1982 and challenges thereof.  Atop, Kenya’s Country commitments on ICPD25, the Population Policy and Population Programme Implementation among others.

He commended the Council for their continued engagement in the Population Policy and Programme  in Kenya.


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