Medium Term Plan III Dissemination – The Mandera Experience

Medium Term Plan III Dissemination – The Mandera Experience

The National Treasury and Planning disseminated the Third Medium Term Plan (MTP III) from 25th February to 5thMarch 2019. The exercise, conducted in the 47 counties, was spearheaded by the State Department for Planning and all its Semi- Autonomous Government Agencies (SAGAs). The National Council for Population and Development (NCPD) was part of the technical team supporting key population issues in the MTP III.

The county dissemination forums gave an opportunity to share planned programmes and projects to be implemented in 2018-2022 Plan frame. Equally, county governments had an opportunity to lay out their development plans during the same period through the County Integrated Development Plans (CIDPs). The forum was also intended to align CIDPs to MTP III for the realization of Vision 2030 targets


Mandera county MTP III Dissemination closing session graced by PS state department for cooperative development, Mr Ali Noor, and attended by Mandera CEC for Economic Planning, Mr Barrow Ibrahim, Mandera County Commissioner, Mr. Olaka Kutswa, 15 Chief Officers and members of public

Ongoing session whter the National Council for Population and Development (NCPD) was part of the technical team supporting key population issues in the MTP III.

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